Friday, October 12, 2012


did you know that ...
i have been looking, searching and wanting to get a green concealer? 
and one day i was looking at until i realized they sell beauty items from overseas.
long story short, i found this coastal scent * i hope they are authentic, this is the reason why i hate buying online when it comes to cosmetics* so i purchased them seeing they have 4 different colors and that is exactly what i have been looking for, when it comes to price, it is higher of course, i purchase this around RP125.000 ish? exclude delivery fee

- i am not being sponsored
- bought this with my own money
- works on me but i dont know whether it will work on you
- please do a research before purchasing :)

so this is the packaging, simple, nothing interesting 

the texture of this concealer is thick and good pigmentation. it glides on well and blend well when apply onto the spots but i dont like the smell, the smell is like a crayon smell. i hate crayon scent.

so here is a little experiment:

here is my chin *where the spots and acne are always having their gathering*

i am taking my green concealer to apply onto my chin

blend blend blend and add more if necessary.

The results:
redness is gone but you can see my pimples :( 

- i am so-so with this product but it will do for the moment, i dont like the scent, the price is kinda pricey.
- i do like how it comes with another 3 different colors so it is handy :)
- it covers 90% of the redness but i am sure if i apply my bb cream, everything wont be super visible :) 

will i repurchased?
- nope because not saying this item is bad but it is just.. not there in my heart :P i believe i can find another better concealer :) 



Istiarina Putri said...

wooo, review warna lain juga dong ^_^

penasaran sama warna kuning dan birunya :p

aku masih dalam pencarian best concealer juga nih.. tapi aku buat nutupin kantong mata T_T

Unknown said...

hello! heehe iya belom sempet neh.. soalnya aku sbnrnya incer concealer ijo aja krn pimples.. nanti kalo aku dah coba pasti d review :D

Rosdiana said...

Crayon smell? Yuck! U r correct, there are other better concealers out there.

Unknown said...

@Ros: yeap crayon-ish smell hahaha looking for another one though...