so.... ;) howdy!
i have used this products for so many times but i forgot to do a review on it haha well not all the time though just those times when and where i think it is important to keep my skin matte!
- i am not being sponsored
- bought this with my own money
- works on me but i dont know whether it will work on you
- please do a research before purchasing :)
lets talk about the packaging. this is the bottle, simple and... rather boring but never mind about that :P
one thing i love about this packaging is the pump! i hate it when a product has a pump that is useless, and when i say useless it means.. pouring too much product that i wont use and that will be a waste. This product right here has a tiny pump that allows only little amount of primer to come out, i mean you can always build them up right? instead of them going to waste :)
i love the color of the primer, it is soft super pastel purple :P i am a sucker for anything pastel :D
i dont think it has any scent but if it does then i have a smell sensory problem but i am the type of person who isnt that sensitive? and i tend to ignore loads of things that i think is useless haha but yes so for me it has no scent and if it does the scent doesnt bother me.
i love the texture of this primer! i have 2 face primer and i prefer this one, it is somehow liquid-y when you pump it out and when you apply it onto your face, it settles and make your skin looks matte :) it has a soft gentle texture like a cotton so when you apply it, it blends so nicely and equally :)
how do i apply this primer?
simple! of course i cleanse my skin and apply moisturizer. After that one is done, i place small dots to the area that tend to get oily and in my case it is my whole face *sigh
i forgot to take a pic of my face before dotting this primer haha but from this picture below, you can see how oily my skin is and uneven :( big pores i know *does anyone know how to make pores smaller? leave them in the comment below*
after the primer: matte + smooth *can you imagine how my skin will look like if i apply a bb cream? HEAVEN*
SO... i thought... i just inserted few pics of me getting ready * i am going to watch Resident Evil *
since it is just a casual day, i go for a lightweight foundation.
and to test and to show you all the process and the results of this primer.. i will take pics every 1 hour :)
so this is taken at 3pm before i went out, love the finish look!
another hour passed by, slightly oily
then at 5 pm... more oily and make up tend to look cakey
6 pm Greasy greasy.. gosh i am controlling my urge to get my blotting paper but i didnt because i want to show you guys the result :P * anything for my lovely reader*
then i went to have dinner n watched a movie where lighting wasnt that good so i couldnt take any picture for a whole good 4 hours and when i got back home.. tada!
OIL EVERYWHERE HAHA and by this time, i really felt i wanted to scratch my face because i think it is so dirty and i just need to clean my face...
so will i purchase this items again?
- nope :( but the thing is.. i have a weird and super oily skin, and for some people, this is one of the best primer but sadly it doesnt work on me :) so please to whoever wanted to purchase this, do a deep research or if you can, tried it out from a friend or family who owned this primer :) but the good thing it didnt cause any acne breakout though... :)
righty then girls!
til next time
whoaaa sis kurang bagus yach?padahal pengen coba beliii..
mukaku oily parah juga typenya..
kayanya bakal lebih parah dari kamu jadinya.. :(
wow, padahal rencananya mo beli hari ini.. thanks a lot for the review.. coba pake l'oreal base magique, aku udh abis 1 jar n kayanya bakal repurchase deh :)
waaah, kamu pake juga, sebenernya aku juga suka primernya revlon yg photoready dan aku juga pake yg color correcting primer, tapi primer ini bikin aku breakout parah T____T
sedangkan si mousse makeupnya bener-bener oily abis, diset pake loose powder aja ga tahan lama, apalagi sendiri aja T_____T
anyway, kalo mau liat reviewku tentang dua produk ini bisa kesini:
@lina: utk aku sih kurang ya.. buktinya ampe super oily gt.. ahahah aku g pake lg th sampe skrg.. sayang seh :(
@osa: yes! yg loreal th bagus! mending la di banding yg ini ;D
@Creatia: km breakout? omg.... parah2.. ke aku.. hanya oil controlnya g ada.. n yes moussenya jg g gt bgs seh... pdhl aku dah beliiii :'( will check ur review :)
such a nice product *_* your blog is very good and interesting. maybe follow? im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!
@thi lan: yep sure will do ;) nice to meet you
kunjungan perdana
kunjungan perdana
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