Monday, October 1, 2012



i am back with another review baby!
i just got these new babies from a friend of mine, she came back for a short holiday from the UK and of course, i asked her to buy me some stuff :P 

ok enough chatting, so here is the packaging, it is kinda small from my expectation but it doesnt matter :) i like the packaging it is very colorful for the budget i have.

here is some snapshots of the products themselves, i love the lipstick packaging or jar or bottle, i seriously dont know what to call this but im going to call it the lipstick jar :D
i love loveee the design! very sleek just like the name 
i love everything simple and elegantly classy. i think the jar reflects and have succeeded in showing the meaning of the brand :)

i got myself in three colors, they are different in my own opinion: candycane, amped and peached & cream. i personally think the colors are gorgeous! it stands out.
As for the scent, i actually can smell a slight tiny plasticy scent if i put it close onto my nose but, it doesnt bother me :) so i am fine with this.

the swatches: bear in mind that this is with one swipe. color pigmentation is super, i bought them in sheen and matte and both of them are giving what they are named for :) the sheen one are: candycane and peaches&cream, they are both very easy to apply hence the moisturizer they have for the lips, while the matte one, it is matte but giving out bold strong colors.

will i repurchase them?
yes i will! infact if they even open here i would love to buy them and collect most of the color :D

what do i like about them?
- their color pigmentation!

does it have a down side?
- for me, it would be just the size that is smaller than i expected but it is all good :)


Unknown said...

i really love 'peaches & cream' colour! i tested it on Luxola event but haven't bought one for myself :3

Istiarina Putri said...

iya, itu kecil banget yak lipstiknya, hihihi, beli dimana fweegie?

Jesslyn Prijanto said...

<3 peaches & cream !!
sleek ok" ya gi LOL

Unknown said...

@rini: loveee the color haha all of themmm sakin sukanya aku sayang bngt n ga di pake krna takut abiss :p

@tia: yupp kclll haha aku nitip tmn heheh

@lyne: yupppp so far bgs seh.. Aku ada review blush on n eyeshadowny tp blm update...