Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Hello my beautiful butterfly!

Look what I have :D another basic series style from D'EYEKO.
Honestly, when i first saw this, i was thinking

" there is no way this super full style will look natural on me"

So, how did it look on me?
well lets find out!

Here is the packaging, i believe they have two types of packaging?
i was trying to find the natural volume
*yes i love it and i went out to look for them*
but i couldnt find the ones in this packaging
but i found them anyway haha and purchased them.

Like the other packaging for this series, it is the same, easy to see, simple, different color coding. It has the information we need especially if you are a beginner in applying falsies, they have the step by step with illustration at the back. This comes with a glue ;D

That's the glue, kind of hard to see but it is there.
I love the glue that comes with it! 
I wonder if they sell the glue by itself?
If they do, tell me i want to buy them or if they dont, 
please produce some ;D

Here is a closer look at the lashes :D

As we all know that D'EYEKO lashes are made from natural hair that are sterilized, softer and it blends into our natural lashes. They are delicately handmade in details and the length suits my eyes so i dont need to cut them. You can wear them for a few times and it is safe if you wear contact lens.

So, does this product give a natural look for me?

We shall see!
Look at how thick each lashes are.


The lashes give volume, style and it shaped my eyes.
I think it gives my eyes that fierce and piercing look but natural.

If you want to see how to get the look
kindly click here
(dont forget to subscribe to my youtube channel)

and you know what?
I went out and search for this style haha
I love their natural series :) 
So natural, so comfortable to wear and they enhance the whole look.

let me know if you try them before and what you think of them :)

1 comment:

Dewie Aprillia said...

cantikk ci..lebih natural dibanding si syahrini <3