Jakarta, 3rd October 2013.
Venue: Hotel Kosenda
Hello dear lovely people ;)
Welcome to my beauty blog if you are a new reader *perhaps new subscriber?* of mine
and Welcome back to my old and loyal readers/subbies.
I was invited and had the privilege to attend an event created by Sariayu Martha Tilaar team on a Thursday afternoon with the concept of "Power Lunch". It is located near Sarinah, and I love the restaurant and the hotel design. Minimalist yet chic.
Why is the concept "Power Lunch"?
In September 2013, was an unforgettable and memorable month for Sariayu Martha Tilaar team. With three events that capture the steps and path of Sariayu's achievements.
They are:
From the beginning, Martha Tilaar Group has a strong vision and mission that is to care and push Indonesian women to fight and to be creative. Dr. Martha Tilaar cares so much for the women in Indonesia, she wants us to be independent yet humble. She fights to bring transformation and innovation to be more successful, to achieve women's right, to help with the improvement of Global priority such as the impact of the weather change in Indonesia, water and food supplies, children's right, for a better and appropriate education. She is trusted to be one of the founder member in UNGC in the year of 2000. She is very active in variety of activities held by this organization and this year Dr. Martha Tilaar attends UNGC Leaders Summit that is held once in every three years and with more than 1000 participants from 100 different countries united.
Architects of A better world was the theme of this year organization and Dr. Martha Tilaar has the opportunity to share her experience on the side event of : EMPOWERING WOMEN TO LED THE WAY TO LOW EMISSION AND HIGH RESILIENT FUTURE & UN PRIVATE SECTOR FORUM: AFRICA with the topic of women's beneficiaries.
First of all, I would like to congratulate Miss Philippine to have won this year Miss World Crown & Title. This year Miss Universe was held in Bali and Sariayu Martha Tilaar are the official makeup & hairdo for this pageant. Not only for Miss World but for Miss Indonesia pageant too, where the finalist are chosen from 33 province and they have to have Beauty, Smart, Healthy and Eastern culture criteria.
This year Miss World 2013, came up with the theme of: Byzantine, 3 accesories designer and 47 fashion designer to create attire using Indonesian culture such as batik, tenun, songket and many more.
60 experience professional makeup artist and hairstylist from Puspita Martha International Beauty School were there to make the finalist of Miss World 2013 look stunning! A good international quality local brand of cosmetic made every single finalist look beautiful.
"Harapan kami, keterlibatan Sariayu dalam ajang Miss Indonesia tidak hanya mempercantik para finalis saja. Tapi juga merupakan langkah nyata Sariayu dalam mewujudkan semangat LOCAL WISDOW GO GLOBAL. Semoga melalui perhelatan begengsi ini, nama Sariayu tidak hanya berkibar di skala nasional tapi juga internasional" jelas Wulan Tilaar, Vice chairwoman Martha Tilaar Group to enhance the beauty of Indonesian women and world, inside and outside.
I am very proud of Sariayu Martha Tilaar, to be able to bring the awareness of the citizen in this world on Indonesia products, beauty and tradition. I myself is one of the most loyal customer to Martha Tilaar group. I searched for a good quality product and Sariayu has it. To be a part of a fashion show in Milan & Rome are just fantastic. We all know that Milan & Rome are well known of their fashion city.
One of our famous fashion designer, Ghea Panggabean, collaborated with Miroto & Santi Dwisaputri to held one with the theme of "Treasured Indonesia: A journey into Indonesia Fashion, Art and Culture" Sariayu is the official makeup & hairdo with Mr. Yudin whom is the professional makeup artist from Sariayu Martha Tilaar. He has worked there for 28 years.
With these three major events, Sariayu Martha Tilaar is launching:
Want to know more about this box?
Make sure you subscribe to my blog.
I will be doing a review on this special beauty box
together with the whole look ;)
Here is the sneak peak!
Now, let's enjoy the picture.
Here are the interior of the restaurant that I fall in love with.
I love the table decor, with a simple designed flowers and some traditional cake.
Here is my nails, courtesy of Sascha Nail Art ;)
The inspiring Dr. Martha Tilaar.
Sharing her whole experience with these three events.
This is the product launch and each of the models' makeup
are created by using this beauty box limited edition.
and group photos before lunch began.
The inspiring fashion designer, Ghea Panggabean arrived.
And here are the pictures for the winners *some*
lucky them, I never have the luck on this type of competition.
And all of the pictures below are taken by Sariayu Martha Tilaar Group,
so I dont have my logo in it hence it is not from my camera :P
But do enjoy!
All the beauty bloggers that attend are being the "models"
Here we are with the inspiring Dr. Martha Tilaar and Ghea Panggabean.
*did you know that fashion was also another option when i was picking a major in uni?*
and here i am, picking the plants :P
Gotta pick with the most usage for my family right?
and.. it turns out, my mom has exactly the same plant at home.
Here are a much more clear picture of the models holding the beauty kit
that I will be reviewing soon!
With the variety of programs and activities, Sariayu Martha Tilaar is now the local brand cosmetics that are strong and positive towards to future and to be the international brand in the time to come to represent Indonesia.
I personally love the vision and mission of Martha Tilaar group, it has the similar concept and perspective as me, I was born and raised in one of the school where it taught women to be independent yet still hold on to the feminine side. I love how Dr. Martha Tilaar and the rest of the team really inspired me to move forward to achieve my dreams.
If you want to know more about Sariayu Martha Tilaar:
kindly click here
If you want to know more about Martha Tilaar Group:
kindly click here
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