Monday, December 2, 2013


Hello Gorgeous you ;)
Welcome welcome!!!!

Psst, do you see that tiny Christmas tree? 
Yes I am already in Christmas spirit!

Today's post is on one of my favorite mask product!
I have been eyeing this for a very long time.
Yes it is the GLAMGLOW!

*look at the exclusive bag, just loveeee it*

Here are what I received inside the box.

The small brochure,
let's see what's inside, shall we?

This product gives practical use when you are having a hectic day.
You can toss it into your handbag and take it to go with you ;)

These are designed to be ready on-the-go for busy people,
cant deny that their loyal clients are famous hollywood people,
so it is surely is good ;) and it is applicable for both men and women!

Glamglow's mud base is from South of France Mediterranean Sea, 
the home of Cannes, St. Tropez & Monaco
*One day i will be going there*

Here are the ingredients, kindly click it to enlarge and read.
All of these ingredients are natural.

Here are the section in the catalogue on where they have featured in.

They are also used at the top spas and hotels.

Here are some of the hollywood star who used them ;)
*Hello Nina!!!*

Okay, so this is the Youthmud Tinglexfoliate Treatment that gives:

1. An instant camera ready skin in 10 minutes
2. Provides gentle exfoliation
3. Helps to leave skin smoother, brighter and softer

On the packaging itself, it has some important information that you need to know
but they are still keeping with the whole "glam" concept.

Here is the product. I must say that the jar is pretty small.
But i love the design, so hollywood and glam!

Here is the mud mask,
I knew that mud mask is super good for people with oily skin, it lifts up the oil residue and deep cleanse. I also heard and saw good things about this products and you can wonder my joy and excitement when I received this.
I tried it on later at night due to the design stress.

A close up look of the mud mask, yes it does look a little bit unattractive
but remember the quality and the goods in it ;)

See how it fits into my hands ;D
It has a short information on the jar too!

This is the texture, when I try to pick it, it is a little bit hard because of the natural ingredients that are intact with their original forms. You will see what i mean later on ;)

The mask dries quick! I think this is probably the only mask that dries quick and I dont have to wait for a few minutes. I love the scent! I literally cant stop smelling this. It has this tingly sensation but it is not bad, I still can bear this sensation. It removes very easily too, all I did was splash some water onto my face and it loosen up pretty neatly, however there are a few ways of removing the mud mask ;) this is just one my way.

Let's prove the main 3 points that are stated ;)

*note: all of the pictures below are non-edited*

Here is me before, look at me being all dull :(

Then took a good shower
and applied the mask, do you see the tiny pieces on the skin?
Those are from the tea leaf.

This is on the process on drying.

This is the close up look on the tea leafs.

The close up look between the dried part and the wet one.

and here is me after!
You can see my skin is brighter, I totally can tell the difference between before and after on the spot!
No wonder this product is so well known amongst the hollywood stars ;)

So let's see....
1. An instant camera ready skin in 10 minutes - SUPER CHECK!
2. Provides gentle exfoliation- SUPER CHECK!
3. Helps to leave skin smoother, brighter and softer- SUPER DUPER CHECK!

Yeap! they have proved the points to me and now,
I am proving them to you!
With an instant results, practical and handy, a great scent and a comfortable feeling, together with a natural ingredients, this product is a must!

For Indonesian citizen or if you are living in Indonesia, 
no worries love, 
Here is the info box for you to get them ;)

Dont forget to follow me on:

twitter: @museswonderland
instagram: museswonderland

like my FB page: Muses Wonderland
Youtube channel: Muses Wonderland 

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