Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Hola my sprinkles of rainbow~

If you follow me on instagram,
you would know that I purchased these like a few weeks ago?

Well, i wasnt planning on doing a review, not until I tried these out!

First of all, there is one thing in the makeup category I always avoid and yes that is:

I have a naturally glowing skin and it is wayyyyy to glowing it becomes an oil whirl pool haha
*sarcasm* #oilyskin
Then, TonyMoly is having a sale specialized for this month only
(until 31st of May 2014)

I wrote this post hoping to help you guys out if you are looking for one or
if you just want to see their products, they are *should be* on sale for 50%!

According to a friend of mine *poke jess* this is the dupe for Bobbi Brown shimmering/highlight bricks. I dont owned any highlight/shimmer powder or compact so I cant compare them.

But I can tell you that, I LOVE THE PACKAGING!
It is super chic and expensive.

I bought mine in #GOLD and #PINKHOLIC

They also have #BROWN but I didnt buy it, should I??

The compact is solid and thick which makes them sturdy so I dont have to be afraid if I drop it and this is probably the worst advice as beauty blogger hahaa well try not to drop your makeup ladies.
It also comes with a brush but i forgot to capture it for you. I personally think the brush helps with the appliance of this product.

Now onto the product itself.
Are they any good?

Of course they are :P
TonyMoly is one of my favorite Korean cosmetic brand, aside from 3CE.

Alright, so I was really
by the colors pay-off. 
I didnt think that the colors will showed that nicely and vibrant, especially with one swipe.

Each of these box contains stripes of colors, which is a good thing, you can swirl all the colors together or you can use them individually, perhaps as eyeshadows? According to my research, they are processed through a "baking" technology and they also contains pearl-ish substance that gives off shimmers and glows. 

Another quality that amazed me and i forgot to show you the "after a few hours" look, they stay the same on the same spot with the same strong vibrant glow and shimmer.

I love the texture, it is so soft and velvety (somehow) and I used these products usually for the highest part of my cheek bones, on the bridge of the nose, sometimes below my eyebrow and on the inner corner of my eyes.

Here is a picture proving you the quality and the pigmentation.
I just used a one time round and a very light and soft swirling motion on the product, so this is the result. They are very bold and gorgeous right?

Now lets see on how they are on my skin.
Keep in mind, these pictures below arent edited so you can see my flaws.
Why I didnt edit them?
1. Too Lazy
2. I want to show the pure and valid proof of these products.

Here is me before and without the highlights.

Here is the #PINKHOLIC applied with 1 light swipe of the brush from the product onto my cheeks.

Here is the #GOLD, same process and step as the #PINKHOLIC

Here is the picture for comparison and I hope to help you in deciding which one to buy.
I did went to my dad's office like this ahahaha

Alright, that is all for this short and sudden review :P
Remember to visit your nearest TONYMOLY store in this month!
*no i am not being paid to say this but I dont want you to miss out the deal*

make sure to find me at:

twitter: @museswonderland
instagram @museswonderland 
like my FB page: Muses Wonderland
Youtube channel: Muses Wonderland


Muttia Rizki said...

Suka yang gold! tapi kalo oily skin malah jadi keliatan tambah over glowy ga ce? same as you, aku selalu say no buat highlight/shimmer, blink2 bo! tapi kadang suka ngiler liat healthy glowing skin orang2 yang pake shimmer highlighter >.<

Pink and Undecided said...

Looks great! Tp sayangnya diskon nya di Jkt doank, not faiiirrrr hik!

Metha said...

Oooowh warnanya bikin Tergoda .... Cantik - Cantiik Ya warnanya ci. <3 <3 <3

Turis Cantik said...

warnanya cakep banget ya ;)

Unknown said...

@hina: thanks hun :* your blog is lovely too!
@ muttia: kg sh buat aku hehehee
@mindy: kamu dimana? hehee
@margaretha &@turiscantik: iya hihi sayang hanya ada 3 kmrn ak liat