Saturday, June 14, 2014


Hey everyone!
Are you looking for a great palette from one of our local brand?
I have one review here for you.
Well you probably have read so many amazing review from other people but let me tell you my own opinion hihihi

Honestly, when I first bought it, I didnt expect that the product's pigmentation is super great :P
I bought it for fun actually just to add to the eyeshadow palettes collection of mine.
First I bought the matte palette from someone, I forgot who. Then I fell in love with the eyeshadow so I went to get the second palette :D

As I have mentioned above, these comes in 2 different types. 
They are the matte and the shimmer ones.
You will find that these two are combined will give such a great color combination and payoff that you can apply onto yourself or others for all occasions.

Here are the packaging, just a plain black rectangular packaging. The prices was around IDR 225.000 if i am not wrong, it may sounds pricey but trust me, it is super worth it!

To open this, simply click the latch in front and voila!
You are welcome to a new colorful experience!
These colors can be use for day to night makeup up to
fashion spread photo shoot makeup. 

Here are the close up look for you :*
enjoy !



Overall, i REALLY love the pigmentation for both *the lighting and the camera doesn't do the justice for the colors* The colors really come out on the skin really good and vibrant. I love the texture, it is soft and velvety. The ability for it to blend is amazing, it blends really well and easily. It is also last pretty long but on my eyes, it doesnt stay as long as it should because of the oil.

I love how it has variety of different colors that I can wear for different occassions. Oh and the swatches I did above was taken with one swipe of a fingertip onto the shadow, one swipe you can see the great gorgeous glam pigmentation and colors pay-off!

Here is a quick tutorial and look using these two palettes.
Had to make the eyeliner obvious though otherwise, the whole look will appear unfinished.

If you want to see how I do this look,
click here for tutorial

I hope this quick and short review is helpful.
I am trying to be straight forward and clear so everyone isnt confused hihi

make sure to find me at:

twitter: @museswonderland
instagram @museswonderland 
like my FB page: Muses Wonderland
Youtube channel: Muses Wonderland


Sabine Lyla said...

Cool colors! So pogmented, maybe i'm gonna try this one ^^. Btw ini yg satu company sama la tulipe kan ya ?

Main2 ke blog ku yaa
Followbak ^^

Unknown said...

@sabine: iyah eheh sama la tulipe. pigmenteddddddd banget ehhehe

Unknown said...

@sanam: Helo love, thank you for your kind words. I really am hoping through my blog, I inspire and help others who are in needs of information on beauty. *hugs*

Unknown said...

Kak bagus banget eyeshadownya, aku baru sadar ada local brand ini. Kakak belinya dimana ya? By the way, good work untuk beauty reviews di channel kakak! :)