Monday, August 18, 2014


Hello hello!

I am back with my promised hehee here is my take for the face paint of Mortal Kombat "SCORPION"

This face paint is super easy and yes, if you are looking or gathering looks for the upcoming halloween here is one of them :*

All you need are:
-face paint
-eyshadow but mostly face paint.

Lets begin!

1. Lets do the eyebrow and the eye look first! Make the eyebrow bold and shaped by using a black face paint *or you could use the eyebrow pencil, I recommend Viva eyebrow pencil in black*

Then with a yellow eyeshadow, apply it all over the eyelids. Just a plain yellow eyeshadow!

Next, take a gel or liquid eyeliner and create a visible and bold wing eyeliner.

2. Once the brow and eyes are done, lets paint the head band.
Take a black face paint and paint it over the fore head, yes paint it in black and make sure it is equally black. Once the black paint is dry, take a white face paint and do long and short strokes of lines to give the illusion of clothe. 

3. Moving on to the mask, this is a more complicated part so lets be patience.

The a pencil eyeliner or a black face paint, whichever you prefer, then draw the outline of the mask like shown in the picture. Fill it with yellow paint. 

Once it is dry, create 2 lines below the nostril until your chin.

4. Take a gold eyeshadow or face paint but I am using a gold eyeshadow in this tutorial, colored the sides of your nostril, down the cupid's bow towards the bottom of your chin.

Then with a black face paint, draw a triangle in the middle of the nose.

5. Take a white face paint and create another frames inside the mask. Then colored it in with gold and black eyeshadow to give dimension of metal and rust.

6. On the side, with a white face paint, draw a square edge line.

Use the gold eyeshadow slightly above the white eyeliner.

Then with the same eyeshadow, fill in the space within the white line to create a dent. Apply a dark eyeshadow on the edge along the white line to give dimension.

7. Do the same on the opposite side! and you are done :)

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