Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Helloh everybodeh!
and... Welcome to you new readers :*

I have a review, on one of my favorite brand of all time, YSL.
This product is actually not a new ones but they are new in Indonesia. 
I purchased mine when I was traveling but they are finally here in Indonesia and the price cost about IDR 500.000 ish? *based on my friend's fact but i will let you know once I asked*

First, I barely buy products that are 2-in-1. Yeap, i prefer to my have lipstick just the lipstick. I am fine with any other makeup categories, but... lippies, they cant be mixed haha but anyhoo, again, i am a pretty curious person so i purchased one just to see how they are *and i also heard a lot of good review from a lot of people* 

Alrighty so the packaging?
What can I say YSL... you again capture the whole theme of:
cute baby-ish yet classy and elegant.

Love the unique- shape that somehow looks like a nail polish haha but i love a good new and innovative product, you know to spice things up a bit. To open it, it is pretty easy, you just need to twist  the cap and use it :)

The packaging is a square, glass bottle with a long, cylindrical cap, so it looks nail polish-esque, but when you twist and open, it reminds me of the Glossy Stains.  

I got mine in #8 as the other colors that I like have sold out :(
but well it is better than nothing hihi 
I think i was aiming for 2 colors but only this one was available.

This is how it looks like when you twist and open the product, a pretty simple and easy product i must say and the tip is beveled. It has this "dent" in the middle to get the product. With the shape and the beveled texture, I think and feel that this actually picks up more product to be spread on the lips without being floppy.

This product works on the lips and cheeks, it has a creamy but matte texture as it hits onto the skin surface. You can build the layer so you can adjust how vibrant do you want the color to be. Texture itself different from the Glossy stains, it is like velvety yet gel-ish but turns semi-matte as soon as it is applied. This product is actually pretty easy to blend which is good especially when you want to use this for blush-on, i am sure you dont want to stretch your skin right? :)

*say no to pre-wrinkle haha*

The pigmentation was good! didnt expect this at all actually. A tiny bit will go a long way.  I love how it feels onto my lips, smooth, matte yet velvety feeling and as for the blush-on, i applied this by putting 3 dots on the cheeks and blend it. I feel that this product is super easy to blend and gives off a natural flush but then again, it is build-able so if you want a more visible and stronger color, keep on adding!
The coverage for both lips and cheeks are pretty good where it covers most surface without leaving any patches and pretty long lasting *depending on the skin condition i guess*

Now lets see how they are on me :)

PS: After, I only apply 1 layer and I didnt build the colors up.
You can see tints of flushed peachy color :)

So.... that is all for today's quick review and if i missed anything, just asked away :)
I will answer them for you!

oh and have you tried this?
let me know what do you think on this product.

come and find me:

twitter: @museswonderland
instagram @museswonderland 
like my FB page: Muses Wonderland
Youtube channel: Muses Wonderland


theresiajuanita said...

Aku juga punya kiss and blush yang rose frivole nomor 2
tapi menurutku dia kurang pigmented di aku feggy... dia ngeringin bibirku, dan warnanya kurang oke karena cepat pudar... sedangkan untuk di pipi juga kurang deh...
mgkn karena kulitku juga yg agak cenderung kering... tekstur akirnya mirip nyx soft matte lipcream nyx....

Unknown said...

Owhhh km kering... aku oily. Super duper oily banget pake amat hahaha
Tp pipi babding lips ak demen di lips sh.

aku ngincer nehh bbrp wrna hikz tp mahal yaks

Chubzlicious said...

ya ampun ini cute banget warnanya...!! racun ini racun... kempit dompet deh XD